Umpire Pathway
Our minimum age requirement to register your interest in becoming a beginner umpire is 14. RNNC also require completion of the following on-line courses:
● Foundation Umpire Course
● Theory Exam
Upon successful completion of the abovenamed courses and when a vacancy is available within the club you will be allowed to umpire lower sections together with a mentor who is typically a RNNC badged umpire. By partnering with a mentor you can be assured that you have an experienced umpire to help guide you whilst helping to build your confidence.
As you progress with your mentor you will also umpire more advanced games. This partnership will continue until your mentor feels that you are ready to undertake umpiring games on your own.
Once you are successfully umpiring on your own the next stage is to typically become a badged umpire. This can be completed with MENA under the C Badge Training Program.
For further information and expressions of interest please contact our Umpire Co-ordinator, Narelle Caffyn - rnncumpireco@gmail.com.
Resources for Umpires
The Netball Victoria website has a wealth of information for Umpires. Please see the attached link: